Vinyl solvent cement
transparent, one-component solvent adhesive with high bonding strength of vinyl.
ABS solvent cement
Clear, fast drying, one-component ABS solvent cement, with high viscosity and high bonding strength. It is specially formulated for bonding ABS, Styrene and Polycarbonate.
Acrylic-30 one component solvent acrylic adhesive
One component, water-thin, very fast curing solvent acrylic adhesive for quickly development of high strength, clear bond to many thermoplastic, especially Acrylic and polycarbonate sheet.
Acrylic Lamination adhesive Acrylic-242
Clear, gap-filling for acrylic lamination, give you great innovation for big and thick acrylic fabrication.
Acrylic 120, solvent acrylic adhesive
one component, medium viscosity, fast fixture solvent acrylic adhesive.
Acrylic #240 clear acrylic adhesive
Clear, two-component (10:1), reactive, high-strength adhesive, forming high strength joints in a few hours. The cemented joint retain high clarity, high strength and resistance to the effects of weathering and aging.
Acrylic #240F Clear Acrylic adhesive
Clear two-component (10:1), reactive, fast curing, high-strength acrylic adhesive, forming high strength joints in 15 minutes. The cemented joint retain high clarity, high strength and resistance to the effects of weathering and aging.